Past Patrons
Maestoso ($1000 and up)
Anonymous ($5000)
Bill* and Linda* Bunting
Barbara Paul*
Elisé* and Gordon* Greene
Ken* and Marianna* Reed
Rose* and Jim* Katsenes
Peggy Stark** (In Memory of Charles Stark)
Fortissimo ($500-999)
Thomas Johnson
John Rothenberger*
Don** and Jodi** Page
Tanya* and Mike Taylor
Keith Reed* (In Memory of Jim Stephenson)
Rick Johnston*
Sue* and Jack** Fronek
Vivian* Van Donk
The Biggs Family*
Allegro ($250-$499)
Marilyn* and Dan O’Rourke
Peter Bumba
Rich and MaryLou* Warfield
Lisa* and Mark Messaglia
Charley Smith
John and Leigh Lazzarotto
Greg** and Marg Day
James and Donna Fijolek
Forte ($100-$249)
John and Nancy O’Connor
Laurane Caracci*
Margi* and Skip Hafer
Heather Goesel*
Sylvia** and Russ** Bergman
Bruce Hamburger*
Tom* and Mary Lee Gustafson
Icy Cade-Bell*
Bob Pechinski**
Al** and Mary** Huizinga
Susan Trimby*
Andante ($50-$99)
Steven Duncan
Dave Mezykowski*
James and Dorothy* Peterson
Larry* and Peg Lefaiver
Legato (up to $49)
Carl and Joyce* Larson
* Current Chorale Member ** Chorale Alumnus
If you haven’t done so, please consider becoming a patron by using our on-line Patron application by using the link below.