2022-2023 Sponsors
Platinum ($500+)
Ozinga www.Ozinga.com
Gold ($250-$499)
JULIE, Inc. https://www.illinois1call.com/
The Grout Doctor www.groutdoctor.com
Country Charm Restaurant www.countrycharmrestaurant.com
Integrity Insurance and Financial Services www.insurewithintegrity.com
Distinctive Gold Jewelry www.distinctivegold.com
Jeff Abbott @properties www.jeffabbott.net
Exelon www.exeloncorp.com
Silver ($100-$249)
Katsenes Law Office
Kup A Joe Cafe Frankfort www.kupajoecafe.com
Rita Starkey, Agent Baird&Warner Realty www.ritastarkeyrealestate.com
Joseph Kosteck Law Office www.josephkostecklaw.com
Hamstra Roofing www.hamstraroofing.com
Diamond Formalwear http://bellasposaboutique.com/diamond-formalwear/
Bronze ($50-$99)
First Savings Bank of Hegewisch www.fsbhegewisch.com
Enrico’s Italian Dining www.enricositalian.com
If you haven’t done so, please consider becoming a sponsor by clicking on the link above.