Rehearsal/Split Sectional (T/B stays)

United Methodist Church of New Lenox 339 W. Haven Avenue, New Lenox, IL

First hour full choir; Second hour Tenor/Bass only

Vocal Latte Rehearsal

United Methodist Church of New Lenox 339 W. Haven Avenue, New Lenox, IL

Rehearsal/Split Sectional (S/A stays)

United Methodist Church of New Lenox 339 W. Haven Avenue, New Lenox, IL

First hour full choir; Second hour Soprano/Alto only

Story Time at Mokena Library

Mokena Public Library 11327 195th street, Mokena, IL, United States

STORY TIME at local libraries in blue polos.  This is an LWAC-sponsored event with just 3 members volunteering to help. We will read Elisé’s book about Miss Opus, the ostrich music teacher, who helps everyone find their voice.  There will also be a craft project that coordinates with story time.