Lincoln-Way Area Chorale | PO Box 823 | New Lenox, IL 60451
The Lincoln-Way Area Chorale is an Illinois 501(c)(3) Organization
Educating, uniting, enriching, and inspiring through choral music since 1995
Sing With Us
Do you love to sing and have a passion to share your musical gifts with others? Do you agree with our Mission Statement as shown at the bottom of this page? If you answer “yes” to these questions, we urge you to reach out by submitting the form below.
Once we receive your message, we will be in contact with you to discuss the registration process.
Our Mission Statement
It is the purpose of the Lincoln-Way Area Chorale to serve as an outlet to enrich and enhance musical opportunities for all adults in the greater Lincoln Way area. We strive to be an inclusive, diverse, and welcoming group in our membership and Board of Directors. We share our love of the vocal medium through practice and performance. We strive for excellence, professionalism and authenticity in all aspects of our organization and believe in service to the community through the sharing of our talents and resources.